The Sassy Card Journey

This is a random episode

Note: this podcast only talks about the first 10 sassy cards. There are now 12, so yep, there will have to be an update at some point :)

Random means I went rogue and just talked. Normally I like to write out exactly what I'm going to say for a podcast episode (hello perfectionist tendencies) but this episode I went outside my comfort zone and just winged it. 

This blog post is not a word for word transcript, but it'll give you the gist. And remember... if rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on itunes, and I'll give you exclusive access to a special and exclusive habit guide :) 

bReak the rules

How often do you question things and try to make your life... easier? I bRoke the rules and stopped giving birthday presents on birthdays. I just give them when randomly because that makes more sense to me. 

FUK this shit

Sooooo many ways to take this one lol. And PS - the updated card now says, "happily EVEN after". It is meant as a tribute to all the rights women have fought for throughout the ages. 

it's your story

There have been many things in my life that I've felt an 'ick' about but not even thought to try and change it until later with the hindsight glasses. Turns out you can plot twist any time :)

Do your squats

OK, not gonna lie. This one almost always comes back to exercise for me. And no-one has the right to tell you what you body should look like or what feels healthy to you. I could rant about this days. 


flawed + awesome = flawsome

Need I say more? I have a self-care take on this in the podcast but ultimately this comes down to recognizing you don't have to be perfect, to be perfect :)

blow your mind

Here's a thought that might blow your mind... the point of meditation is NOT to think of nothing. The point is notice each time your mind has drifted. Each time you notice, you win. Pretty cool, huh?

kick ass...period

I honestly believe you are always doing the best you can with what you have in every given moment. If you doubt that, let me know and I'll give you a self-test that will prove it's true.


Dreaming is good. Setting practical goals is good. Logic is good. Emotion is good. I believe the key to feeling harmony with your body and mind is to have them work together... not to make one better than the other. 

sassy sexy strong

When it comes to body composition change, there is this notion that you need to increase or decrease calories. In truth, G-flux (or calorie turnover), is more helpful to focus on. Hear more in the episode or my undiet journey

survival guide

There is so much we can learn from others, and so much we can learn from ourselves. My tip here is to not assume that if it works for someone else, it will work for you. You are a project... experiment, learn, grow. 

own it

I don't talk about this in the podcast because it is a new sassy card. For me, this is about embracing acceptance... because you can't leave a place you've never arrived at. 

keep riding

Also not talked about in this podcast episode, but this card has it's own episode! It's also a tattoo on my foot. And the way I sign off from every podcast episode. In a nutshell it means... "I believe in you"

So there we have it. I always wanted 12 cards so there could be one for each month of the year. One a month to focus on. Which one do you want to start with? Here's a fillable planner to help.

I may change some of them out from time to time, but I think I'll keep it at 12. I encourage you to create your own sassy card quote collection. And share them with me :)!!

Make sure to explore your fav sassy card below for more podcast episode suggestions and some next steps options. 

And again... leave a review or rating of the podcast, send me a screen shot (, and I'll give you access to a special, exclusive habit freebie. 

Choose your favourite sassy card

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Kickass Life Project

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FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


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