Fitness for women


Everything you've ever read about fitness & nutrition has been based on a male body

 Wanna learn stuff about your body instead?

Organic Fitness is for every woman who wants to love their body & their life... at the same time...  


...and good luck with that if you're part of the cliterati, right?!(aka: female identify folk)

Are you experiencing life as a woman and struggling with...



getting in shape

eating healthy



Well, no shit

Every fitness program you've ever followed and every diet you've ever pushed through, has been based on research from a male body.

And designed by a diet industry that wants you to feel bad about yourself so you remain a loyal customer for life. Nifty system, huh?

In every field of study, male bodies are the overwhelming majority. Why? Because female hormones... 

screw up the data  (?!)

We literally know less about every aspect of female biology compared to male biology.”

~Dr Janine Austin Clayton, associate director for women’s health research at the United States National Institutes of Health

“It defies logic for researchers to acknowledge gender difference by claiming women’s hormones can affect study results, but then to ignore these differences, study only men, and extrapolate the results to women.”

~ Outrageous Practices (1994), Leslie Laurence and Beth Weinhouse

WTF reasons

This is just one aspect of why you struggle with feeling good enough in your body. Don't worry... there's more :)


% of women unhappy with their bodies & dieting to achieve their ideal body shape*

Problem: diet culture & industry


% of women who opt out of life events because they don't believe they look good enough*

Problem: gender socialization 


% of women who've felt discouraged by a fitness trainer... 49% due to shame based comments*

Problem: the fitness industry 


% of women who are being sold the idea that changing their body is their path to happiness*

Problem: everything  

Take away?

Despite everything you've been taught, YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! You never have been ❤️

Fitness for healing

for all the woman things 

It's time to break up with traditional fitness and diet culture.

This is Organic Fitness. 

Let's be honest...

...aren't we all still a little traumatized over the whole bleeding every month thing? And then it ends with a shit show of hot flashes and weight gain.

bye bye jumping jacks

Or the horror of finding out there's only so much kegels can do for pee control after childbirth.

Periods happen

And isn't it time equality caught up to fitness?? Did you know fitness research has never considered how a monthly cycle might affect fitness for women?

the scars that shape us

Plus the things so many of us never say out loud, or even admit to ourselves, about abuse or trauma or depression or anxiety and how it has shaped our life... our choices for our body from what clothes to wear to who & what we allow inside us... our beliefs about what our bodies are capable of.

What if you could...

Enjoy fitness instead of forcing it on your body.

Know exactly what to do (and not to do) with exercise.

Work out less and feel better.

Stop using exercise as a punishment for food

You are not broken

When the Japanese mend objects that have been damaged, they fill the cracks with gold. They believe that when something has suffered hurt and has a history, it becomes more beautiful.

Sometimes life impacts us in ways people can't see

At least one in three women have experienced abuse; many more have experienced trauma. Would it help you to know that these things make changes to your brain structure and your nervous system?

Meaning if you have felt like you couldn't connect or respond to fitness the way everyone says you should, you aren't broken... your body and mind are simply doing what they were designed to do and are protecting you. 

You can heal the hurt you have suffered. Mental health focused fitness practices create a sense of safety and trust with your body.

Start here with fitness designed for your body

Organic Fitness masterclass 

My proven method for fitness harmony

Science has known that women's bodies work differently than men's for years, but this is the first time in history that we are applying that knowledge to fitness

The easy way to use this in your life

If you struggle with feeling successful and getting beyond body image, Organic Fitness will turn things around almost like magic

The exact copy and paste template you need

If you are not sure how to train with this method, don't sweat it! I'll give you the exact workouts you need every month plus a schedule to follow.

Things on the other side of the click

Warning... you may feel the need to tell every woman you know about this

how each phase of your cycle changes things

alternatives for those who aren't cycling

how to use this awesome info effectively

This is the Revolution of Fitness for Women!

(imagine dramatic music booming as you read that)

About Kate

I am a Kickass Life enabler, a candy loving personal trainer, a self-taught extrovert who loves to read and write and has an OCD thing about matching bra's and panties. 

I'm a BCRPA certified personal trainer, a GGS certified women's coaching specialist, and have a counselling diploma specializing in guiding women who've experienced abuse to live kickass lives.

Organic Fitness

Organic Fitness is a way to not only get in tune with your body, but to heal the #metoo in all of our lives. Stick with me and I'll show you how.

This is a fitness system designed to celebrate the female body so you can maximize your progress and your pleasure. Remember... life is a one time offer... KICKASS!

About Kate

I am a Kickass Life enabler, a candy loving personal trainer, a self-taught extrovert who loves to read and write and has an OCD thing about matching bra's and panties. 

I'm a BCRPA certified personal trainer, a GGS certified women's coaching specialist, and have a counselling diploma specializing in guiding women who've experienced abuse to live kickass lives.

Organic Fitness

Organic Fitness is a feminist approach to fitness design that will help you shut out the noise and get in tune with your body.

This is a fitness system designed to celebrate the female body so you can maximize your progress and your pleasure. Remember... life is a one time offer... KICKASS!

*thin privilege acknowledgement

That's the neat and tidy public version. Want the truth about how Organic Fitness helped me escape from abuse and heal? About how mental health focused fitness can (and should) be different?  About the new research being done to prove things we already knew inside?

Watch the video below

Why it works

When you learn to listen to your body, it tells you everything you need to survive and thrive.

*bonus video available on desktop*

Why it works

When you learn to listen to your body, it tells you everything you need to survive and thrive.

This is a fitness system designed to flow with the natural rhythms of a woman. A female body makes beautiful shifts throughout her cycle and throughout her life. Let me share how you can empower yourself so that you never have to beat, twist, shove, or force your body into someone else's version of fitness again.

Learn to listen to your body, map your cycle, (even if you are no longer menstruating), and move in tune with your body. Each phase of your cycle has strengths that physically change what your body is capable of and you can utilize that IF you know what is happening.

Did you know... certain times of the month, you are physiologically up to 11% stronger!

Did you know... certain times of the month your metabolism will literally be 7-8% higher or lower!

Did you know... different times of the month, your body will use different fuel systems for energy!


Have a question I haven't answered? Watch the training and then contact me. I'd love to hear from you.

Who should practice Organic Fitness

Women. Period.

I firmly believe in everyone having choices and freedom to design their own life, so whatever form of fitness you do, make sure it works for your body AND your mind.

The beautiful thing about Organic Fitness is that the principles of it can be applied to virtually any style of workout you do.

A lot of what I teach in here is based on the natural hormonal cycle females experience, but there is more to the female experience than just hormones.

If you are transgender or identify as female, but do not get a period, I'm open to understanding how I can apply these principles more inclusively.

Disclaimer:  while men will not follow a hormonal cycle the same as a woman, there is nothing to stop men from learning to listen to their bodies!

Why have I never heard of this before?


 It’s not like women’s bodies are new to the planet.

Simply because it is only starting to be considered and talked about. As human’s, we have a tendency to stop questioning things we think we already know. 

Have you ever heard of the Gender Data Gap? I did a two part podcast of how this lack of data about female bodies affects everything from your phone apps to your fitness.

I'll include a link in your welcome email

Now that we know better, we can do better.

Does birth control change anything?

Ummmm YES!!


If we are talking about hormonal birth control pills, there is a lot you should know that your doctor has probably never told you.

Like those pills don't manipulate your hormones, they shut them off. And that estrogen your body is no longer getting, affects your body's ability to build bone density.

I have no interest in telling you what is best for your body, but I am passionate that you have all the info you deserve about your body.

However, if we ignore the hormonal principles of Organic Fitness, everything else will still apply and work for you.

PS - If you want to know more about periods and the importance of having them, check out Dr. Lara Briden and her period repair manual.



cycle syncing

from menstruation to menopause, it's time to do fitness differently


menopause specific

Get this symptoms tracker and self-care starter kit for menopause

*Palmer, Mario. "5 Facts About Body Image." Amplify. Accessed February 24, 2014,

*2016 Dove Global Beauty and Confidence report

*2018 Girls Gone Strong survey of 800,000 women

*look at any magazine or social media feed for proof of the 'shrink your body to be happy' philosophy

Kickass Life Project

© 2010 All rights reserved

FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


Insomnia Cure

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