30 workouts in 30 days in under 30 minutes a day

A busy woman's fitness lifeline

Healthier, stronger, fitter, firmer even if you don't have time or motivation. Your sexy AF strut is waiting for you. Let's go!

season two live round start on March 4

Your Spring fling fun with yourself

Heads up!

Bonus: FREE all-access upgrade unlocked after purchase

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kickass lady

You're an organizational wiz 'cause you don't have time to search for car keys on your way out the door or sift through piles of dirty laundry for a semi, 'clean-enough' bra. 

You love the satisfying tick of things getting knocked off your to-do list, and you know looking after your body will give you more energy to rock the rest of your day, but the gym is like a desert mirage that you can never quite reach. 

You're not scared of a little hard work but the constant 'work, family, friends, unplug, repeat' balancing act doesn't leave a lot of time for fitness.

Sound familiar?


“Kids, pets, partners all vying for my attention, not making myself a priority, and being too busy makes overcoming the challenges hard.”

"There’s so much going on and so much that I want to achieve and it’s hard to step back, see the bigger picture, and go with the flow of life enough to stop working and exercise."

jump in to the yoga challenge happening now until the start of season two on March 4

2024 Spring fling 

Gain lifetime access to 60+ at-home workouts

Let's get ready for all the outdoor activities coming our way this summer. We're here to have fun and ditch diet culture pressures with consensual movement and mindful eating.


sexy goddess

You can totally...

...get your workouts done in 20 minutes a day

You can absolutely...

...stick with it despite life crap happening

You can definitely...

...get stronger and fitter in just 30 days

There's a future you waiting & she feels like a freshly charged phone ready to rock the day. She plays hard because her body feels fit, healthy and strong.

In just a few weeks you will surprise yourself with what you are actually capable of, be motivated to keep your fitness ball rolling... plus you'll have the tools to do it.

You'll reconnect with that sense of accomplishment and rush of endorphins you know come with a good sweat - without workouts taking over your life. 

You're gonna feel the confidence spreading to your career, your relationships, your awesome, satisfying, freaking balanced life.


There's a reason

it isn't that simple!

Gym memberships aren’t cost effective if you never have time to get to the gym & class schedules don’t match with work schedules or daycare.

Personal trainers are expensive and while the accountability is great, it still means getting to the gym and spending at least an hour there... but doing something at home doesn’t work when you’re too tired to think about what to do!

workouts need to be

flexible enough to do anywhere, anytime

workouts need to be

short enough to make starting easy

workouts need to be

challenging enough to make a difference

workouts need to be

varied enough you don't get bored


lovely lady

Technically you know what to do, (mostly, kinda) but you're just not doing it. And then you're mad as hell at yourself for not doing it. 

You're stuck in this 'all or nothing' mentality of feeling lazy if you do nothing but it's a waste of your time if you don't do a full, proper workout.

And while you know exercise is a great way to blow off steam, get a better sleep, & all that other health shit, you get so frickin' bored doing the same routine at the gym with all the safe moves you've been doing for years.

After all, you might be a put together efficiency machine on the outside, but inside there's a wild woman fitness rebel begging to come out and play.

Support Buddy

Get the group support you need to show up on days when you’d rather go through the drive-thru or binge your favourite Netflix series (and keep that support on days when you really do need a break)

Motivation on tap

DAILY inspiration via in-app messaging plus direct access to me if you have questions! 

Sustainable Habits

Intuitive Eating support instead of calorie counting diets, learning to listen to your body whether you are cycle syncing or managing menopause, and mindset work towards flawsomeness (flawed + awesome = flawsome)

Sound familiar?


"I've got my life together in so many ways but I’m exhausted at the end of the day & motivation to go to the gym is the last thing on my priority list. But I don't want things to get so far out of hand that I can't get ME back."

"TBH, I'm scared that when I start exercising again, I’ll realize how out of shape I've let myself get"

What you really need

Plug and play workout fun without having to think too hard.

Plus, is minimal equipment, time & space required so much to ask for?!


30 day wonder woman workouts

Your workouts will be...

...professionally designed to balance weights & cardio for optimum results without injury

Your workouts will be...

...doable even without a ton of space or equipment so you don't need gym access

Your workouts will be...

...easily modified or switched up entirely to suit your needs and mood that day

HIYA!!! I'm Kate, your Wonder Woman Workouts tour guide.

I've been teaching fitness for the past 10 years and I know how hard it can be find time for your body when you're trying to live your best possible life and keep everyone else happy at the same time.

I'll be guiding you along every step of this journey.

But please, for fuk's sake...let's start focusing on what our bodies can do instead of just what they look like! Your body is more amazing than you know!

The first rule of being human is that you get a body. You can love it or you can hate, but it is yours for this life. I kinda think it's worth investing in making that body a place that feels good to wake up in each day.

Kate <3

your kickass life enabler

HIYA!!! I'm Kate, your Wonder Woman Workouts tour guide.

I've been teaching fitness for the past 10 years and am currently finishing a counselling diploma specializing in guiding women who've experienced abuse to live kickass lives. 

Yes, I'll be guiding you along every step of the way.

Please, for fuk's sake...let's start focusing on what our bodies can do instead of what they look like! Your body is more amazing than you know!

The first rule of being human is that you get a body. You can love it or you can hate, but it is yours for this life. I kinda think it's worth investing in making that body a place that feels good to wake up in each day.


two past participants share their favourite things about these workouts

Listen closely...

you'll hear Steph tell you what she did that she didn't believe she could do

Weight loss is ok...

But I bet you've tried that before. Let's focus on something different. Like hitting your fitness goals, getting your fitness ducks in a row, staying accountable to yourself, and loving your sexy AF strut


The Chipper 

Listen to your body; modify when needed, push when you can. Do it lazy but do it anyway; consistency is key.

14 day money back guarantee &

lifetime satisfaction guarantee


The member area

After joining, you'll have access the the member area of the Kickass Life Project and the Wonder Woman Workouts.

Go at your own pace using the playlist of videos in the member area. Your daily workouts will be dripped to you and you will be able to communicate with the other members ... so invite your friends!

Oh and SURPRISE.... you are actually getting Season One AND Season Two! That's 60 workouts over 60 days :)

You will not be bored or out of ideas for months :)

What Others Say

The Seasons

It's a 'two for the price of one' steal

Season One 

Workouts are designed so you get the optimum mix of resistance vs cardio

Day 1

Turbo Five Cardio

Five exercises, four rounds - the beauty of these workouts is you can modify to fit your fitness level or time frame. Do two rounds if all you have is ten minutes or six rounds if you're feeling energetic.

Day 14

Kickass Specialist

A choose your own adventure type workout with a mandatory finisher that is not what you expect. Each workout is a template so you can replace the exercises and have a brand new workout.

Day 29

Lucky Drop

You'll need a coin to play this one. Adding the element of chance and gamification keeps things fun, but if that's not your style, you can opt out and still get a great sweat.

Season Two

Each workout is a kickass blend of gamified fun & simple effectiveness

Day 7


Escalating Density Training - not sure what that is? No problem! You don't just get great workouts, you'll learn new workout techniques that you can use beyond SSD

Day 20

Endurance Goddess

A lower body and booty focused workout. Some days you'll have an endurance focus, some days an intensity focus, some days a more relaxed focus. Optimum fitness requires variety and you're getting it in SSD.

Day 30


Yep, it's a killer workout. It's also the last one of Season Two so you've got 60 days to get ready for it :). And honestly, you will be. Stick with me for the next two months and you will amaze yourself with what you can do.

Optional Finishers

Each workout has a quick optional finisher. You can extend your workout on days you're feelin' it or put a few finishers together for a unique 'holy crap' workout

Warm Ups & Cool Downs

5 minute follow alongs so you can get your whole workout from start to stop finished in 30 minutes or less

Break Week

In between Season One and Season Two, there is a break week. This is so you can have a break! Rests are just as important as the work. I'll still be in touch though


Happy Eating Challenge

Strike a happy medium between health nut and couch potato to stop feeling run down and sluggish - without rewriting your entire life or spending a fortune :)

Turn yourself into a happy eating goddess in 30 days

$147 for both seasons

includes March 4 season two live round + 1:1 strategy call with me + 14 day consistency guarantee

Let's go through this together! Live rounds means group support in the fitness app and direct access to me... a cycle syncing, menopause, & mental health focused fitness trainer!

less than most gym memberships

lifetime access to the workouts

group support & fitness app (S2 live round starts March 4)

1:1 strategy call included so you can make sure to get the most out of your experience


Don't waste your money if this isn't the right journey for you.

My free bonus piece of kickass life advice - whenever possible, commit to your decisions as a FUK YES or OMG NO choice. 


You're gonna have so much fun!

You have some previous workout experience

You don't have to be a pro but you know how to do a push up with good form (even if you can't currently do one from your toes) and you know how to tell where your limits are.

You're a self-starter

You don't have to be perfect but you're a goal oriented, driven woman who knows what she wants... you just need a little nudge to get there.

You're fairly healthy & in one piece

Your medical provider has cleared you for exercise and your body is physically capable of a full range of movement without experiencing pain or injury

You appreciate a good workout

You don't always love it at the time, but you don't think of working out as a punishment for what you ate. For you, working out is a gateway to health and feeling good.


Don't worry - there are other journeys!

You are brand new to exercise

If you've never heard of kettlebell swings or burpees, (let alone done them), there is probably a better starting place than SSD

You're not ready, willing, or able

If you're not ready to make exercise a regular part of your life or have significant physical limitations, there is probably a better starting place than SSD

Food is the enemy

You don't have to be winning 'clean eating woman of the year' awards, but if you feel like your nutrition is out of control and exercise is the way to fix that, then there is a better starting place than SSD

You need a high level of accountability

This is a self-led journey. That said, using the app does help you stay on track, you can use our FB group for extra support or set up your own motivation systems, but if you want a professional trainer personally checking in on your progress, there is probably a better starting place for you. Book a free consult here.

keep in mind...

Live rounds are awesome 

If you read the stuff above and though, "hmmm I don't think I'm enough of a self-starter...", join us for the live rounds in Jan & March 2024. The group support & fitness app makes a huge difference. 


Recipe Booklets

Four recipe books with ideas for tasty meals that regular people can make with regular ingredients. This is the perfect extension of your 30 day clean eating journey from Season One.

Fresh, new meal ideas for everyone - vegan and non-vegan.

Wonder Woman Workouts


I'm so busy. Will I really have the time to do this...

Let me ask you this — do you have time to keep wasting time NOT figuring this out?  You know the benefits you'll get from working out 'cause you've experienced it before. But life gave you a juggling challenge and exercise got dropped... or its gotten stale and boring... or its not showing up as consistently as you'd like in your life.

Bottom line is you know it will only get harder to get back in the saddle the longer you wait and you know you'll keep beating yourself up until you do something about it.

These workouts are 20 minutes and can be done at home or at the gym or outside. You'll have online or offline access (with the app) Plus I will give you 3 ways to deal with missed workouts. 

The time thing is your fear of failure talking. That's ok. It means you're driven. Try to look at this as an experiment to find out how and when short, effective, modifiable workouts, work for you. There is no failing; only eliminating the options that don't work til you find the ones that do.

I'm so tired. Will I really have the energy to do this...

Eventually, yes. The exercise vs low energy thing is a vicious catch 22. Regular exercise can give you more energy but how do you exercise when you have no energy?

I will give you my 'warm up only' technique for getting a workout started and then the counter-intuitive 'don't do the workout' rule that will actually lead to more workouts done.

Plus, I don't expect you to be perfect and I will stress that you don't need to either. Yes, you'll get one workout a day drip fed onto the app, but you'll have lifetime access to all 60 workouts in your KLP member area. 

I encourage you to set yourself 30 minutes a day to focus on fitness...whether you do a workout or not. The real goal of this journey is to create a habit. 

You could spend that 30 minutes stretching, meditating, getting sweaty, going for a walk... anything that is a fitness based action - meaning this is not the time for planning or Lululemon shopping ;)

Wonder Woman Workouts


You will have a 14 day no questions asked refund guarantee PLUS a lifetime satisfaction guarantee - if you ever feel this was not a good investment, contact me and I will make it right.

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Ask me anything

If you got this far and you aren't at OMG NO, but you're not convinced you're at FUK YES yet, it probably just means you have a question I haven't answered. What info is missing that will help you to make this decision? Contact me.

Kickass Life Project

© 2010 All rights reserved

FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


Insomnia Cure

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