Your fitness personality

Failure is a good thing

Everybody fails. It’s a fact of life. How we learn from our failures and try again is what matters. We cannot shun failure if we want to succeed!

As a general rule, when learning something new, a 20% failure rate is useful. That's one in every five tries. 

It's enough success to give us confidence that we can learn and grow and improve, and enough failure that we are actually learning. 

If we do something perfectly 100% of the time, we are practicing being the same. And sometimes that might be the goal. When improving is the goal, we need to fail first.

So let's look at some totally made up fitness personality styles that honestly mean nothing but are kindof fun.

And then we'll look at the ways we tend to fail AND how we can use those failures to our advantage. 

 Fitness personality #1 - the rocket

You go up high and crash down hard with your emotions. You have great ideas but seldom finish what you started, or finish blah. When things go wrong it is rarely something that was within your control.

You probably practice the ‘too much too fast’ failure method. 

This involves early burnout…think kindergarten kid trying to run a marathon – "wheeeeeee crash wheeeeee crash wheeeeee crash – this just isn’t fun anymore and I quit". You try to take it all on and change everything at once with a go big or go home attitude.



Practice pacing... but not the up and down your hallway kind. The steady rhythm kind.

Journeys take time and that is a good thing. If you could travel across the country in a speed jet and get a million dollars at the end OR take your time, enjoy the scenery, make some memories, and still get the million dollars, which would you choose?

Enjoy the process and focus on making positive changes. The results will come faster if you do.



Pick one or two things to change each week and don’t add more until you have those under control. (not mastered as perfect, but under control)

 Fitness personality #2 - ‘everyone wants to be you’

People looking in think you’ve got it all together but you secretly struggle with a negative inner dialogue. You are a reserved person. You set high standards for yourself and those around you, too.

You probably practice the ‘comparison’ failure method. 

This shows up as, "whatever I do I’ll never be as good as so and so. Why try?" It’s the ‘I’m good but they're better’ syndrome and you cannot win! There will always be someone or something better but the good news is that you’re not going to care.



Put on blinders! Curate your FB and IG, don’t look at magazines that make you feel like shit, learn to focus on yourself now.



Write a list of 10 things you love... or like...or respect about yourself and look at it any time you feel like someone else is doing better than you.

Fitness personality #3 - the rebel

You are a rebel and a bit of a perfectionist. You have a temper and don’t like to accept blame even when you are in the wrong…but you can…if you have to…maybe…

You probably practice the ‘I’m not perfect’ failure method. 

It's the "I screwed up so I might as well really screw up" thought train. You do extremely well until something unexpected derails your efforts and then all your willpower vanishes.



Allow yourself to be UNperfect. Spoiler alert… you will never be perfect. No-one is! 



Practice doing something 'wrong' - wear mismatched socks, leave a spellling mistake in your texts - and then stand back and watch as the world does NOT implode.

 Fitness personality #4 - ’the woman next door'

You’re timid and shy but possibly cover that up with boisterousness. You put on a brave face and act like things don’t bother you when actually they do. You struggle with your energy level.

You probably practice the ‘it’s too far to go so why start’ failure method. 

This is the "if I don’t try then I can’t fail" syndrome. The task seems daunting and part of you is scared to fail… or to succeed. You probably have too much on your plate already and not enough time in the day.



Set small goals. Each time you celebrate a little win you change what you are capable of, until one day you achieve an outcome so positive you had no idea it was even possible. In that moment, you become capable of anything.



You don’t need to see the whole map. You only need face the right direction and see the next step. Choose one small thing you can do toward your goal and do it today.

 Fitness personality #5 - ‘quiet but determined'

You’re somewhat unorganized but manage to pull things together when it counts. Procrastination is not a stranger to you even though you dream big.

You probably practice the "I don’t know where to start’ failure method. 

You might feel confused with too much info or not enough info. You’re not even really sure what you want so you just do whatever without knowing why.



Set SMART goals and enlist the help of your fav PT (that’s me). SMART goals are specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and time sensitive. I can help you set them.



Find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and ask them how they did it. Their method may not be right for you but it is a start.

 Fitness personality #6 - the competitor

You’re competitive in nature and often find yourself wondering where the time went and how you will get everything done. You’re a good friend but not the type to notice someone else’s new hair cut.

You probably practice the ‘too focused on the results’ failure method. 

You might be missing the parade next to you and deciding to quit because you looking straight ahead and not seeing what you want to see. Usually the results you wanted were closer than you imagined.



Measure lots of different things, even things that aren’t directly related to your goal. If your goal is to lose weight, measure and track resting HR, measure and track how many smiles you can collect in a day. Make a conscious effort to notice the little things.



Put your scale in the closet. Stop taking measurements or weighing yourself for one month and just focus on making positive changes no matter the result.

 Fitness personality #7 - ‘all for show'

You save the good china for special occasions and tend to put other people’s needs ahead of your own. You prefer to try new things without an audience.

You probably practice the ‘over-thinking it’ failure method. 

You’re waiting for life to be perfect before you start. You’re probably saying, “I will as soon as…” a lot but no matter how many things you line up, something else always gets in the way of starting.



Start smaller. There will ALWAYS be obstacles but there is ALWAYS something you can be doing to start… or keep going. A great idea for you is to do it with someone else (online support group or someone in your in-person life).



Make a list of 30 second starter tasks that you can do to 'just get started' when you feel stuck.

Remember - failure is part of success. Therefore, failure is a good thing! The key is to understand what went wrong, make adjustments, and start again with better skills and more knowledge.

undiet your life

& break up with toxic fitness

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Kickass Life Project

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FOOTER NOTE: This is for kickass women (whether you know you are or not) to say, “FUK this shit” to the negative stories we’ve somehow started to believe, feel sassy, sexy, & strong in our skin despite whatever trauma or life crap we’ve been through, & climb to the top of our fitness and mental health mountains, where it IS possible to love our bodies and our lives… at the same time.


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