If you think you and your body might need couples counselling...

grab a FIERCE AF 'happily EVEN after'  VIP ticket

it's time to rewrite the fairy tale BS from diet culture land...

so you can slay your own dragons and plot twist your fitness story!

If you want to


If you want to wake up in the morning with feet itching to start the day instead of wondering what horrible diet plan you're going to try again, let's go.

If you want to look in the mirror and see parts of you that you love and appreciate, (or even... do we dare think it? ...look in the mirror and love...YOU), you're in the right place

If you want to learn how to implement real, lasting change without diets and deprivation...AND you're ready to do the work to get there...you're in the right place.

If you're worried that you aren't ready, scared you'll fail again, too freakin' busy or just plain worn out, then WAHOOOO!  Join the club. And welcome :)

one VIP day =

your 3 month sassy sexy strong  plan 

100% customized for you

a 3 month bespoke mental health focused fitness plan

confidence to make it work with your female hormones

doable habits that steer clear of diet culture

online messaging and group support

a petition to sign so we can classify chocolate as a food group :)

sassy, sexy, strong guidance on tap

you don't want another generic fitness program that might work if you actually did it... (but you probably won't)

you want a goldilocks fit that excites you and makes it easy to stick

The story...

(according to actual women)

There's no time to juggle it all! Urrrrrrggggghhhhhh

I get lots of positive reinforcement but I just never believe it for myself.

Goals? Bahahahahaha. I gave up on those a long time ago. 

I know I'm overweight... probably not as much as I think. Need to get a better body image I guess

I was doing ok but then menopause... and wine... maybe the stress eating... might be the wine

the villains 🦹‍♀️  






Body Image


Diet Culture

Fitness trauma

Cupcakes taste better than kale!!!

As a VIP'er, you will get a...

 3 month online, non-diet, HAES, movement & mental health plan 

that will...


take away the shame toll of the "I should be healthier"  goblins and trolls

take away the exhaustion & stress of trying to 'figure out'  the best fitness  for you Rapunzel style

take away the poison apple idea you are choosing to be unhealthy if you don't 'get results'

take away the frustration of fitness plans written with research from male bodies 

...and replace it with: 

confidence that you ARE doing your best... and that is ENOUGH

ENERGY to live your life ... the way you used to imagine it could be

support that feels like a perfect fitting bra... so you'll KNOW you're not alone

a plan and schedule so tailored for your life and body... it will slip on like a well loved slipper

hi, I'm Kate

I'm a certified fitness trainer with cycle syncing and menopause specializations. I'm also a trauma informed counsellor.

a secret

I used to be 'one of those trainers'. Earn & burn your calories and all that crap. Ummm...WTF?! 

But the fact is, a person who moves all day long spends about 200 calories* more than a person who sits at a desk.

There are more reasons to exercise than weight loss :)

“It defies logic for researchers to acknowledge gender difference by claiming women’s hormones can affect study results, but then to ignore these differences, study only men, and extrapolate the results to women.”

~ Outrageous Practices (1994), Leslie Laurence and Beth Weinhouse


Grab A 'FIERCE AF'  Happily Even After VIP TICKET

Stop feeling FUK'ed UP and start feeling FUK YES with a 3 month customized 'fitness plus*' plan

Let's do this!

* fitness PLUS plan = mental health focused movement designed to work with your female hormones, trauma informed mindset coaching, non-diet nutrition guidance 

As a VIP'er, you will get an online non-diet, HAES, movement & mental health plan that will...


take away the shame toll of the "I should be healthier"  goblins and trolls

take away the exhaustion & stress of trying to 'figure out'  the best fitness  for you Rapunzel style

take away the poison apple idea you are choosing to be unhealthy if you don't 'get results'

take away the frustration of fitness plans written with research from male bodies 

...and replace it with: 

confidence that you ARE doing your best... and that is ENOUGH

ENERGY to live your life ... the way you used to imagine it could be

support that feels like a perfect fitting bra... so you'll KNOW you're not alone

a plan and schedule so tailored for your life and body... it will slip on like a well loved slipper

one woman's story

Learn how to be in sync with your body instead of fighting against it

Get organized and prepared with a 3 month fitness plan that supports your mental health

Know what to do when motivation tanks and how to 'get back on the horse'

Have a step by step guide to getting off the diet wagon and enjoying food without guilt

Support when 'what is wrong with me' questions come up... spoiler alert: the answer is NOTHING

What do you want exercise to do for you?

Balance your nervous system? Build bone density? Increase your ability to manage stress? Pump up your confidence? It's all possible :)

You are the expert of you

I am the expert of mental health focused fitness for women. Together, we will create the map for your epic journey to sassy sexy strong land.

"Just tell me what to do & when"

We'll create workouts that fit your body, your fitness level, your schedule, and your goals. Workouts that you enjoy or that align with your values are key. 

Customization & Modification

We'll go through all the ways you can modify exercises and workouts depending on where you are in your cycle, how menopause is hitting you that day, or if you don't have much time

Full Length Follow Along Workouts

You'll have an on demand library of full length follow along workouts that you can plug and play anytime. Dance cardio, yoga, & bootcamps from 15 -45 min. 

Removing the Diet Culture Pressure

This is a fitness plan but weight loss will never be assumed as a goal or pushed on you. 'Daily nutrition goals' for you might be eating slowly & mindfully. We'll detach diet culture from health

Accountability & Support

You will have direct two way messaging with me plus you'll be part of the in-app Sassy Sexy Strong Squad. It's a community feed where we high five & motivate each other

"I need help sticking to it"

OK, I've got lots of tricks up my sleeve for helping with this and we'll find strategies customized to you, but the workout app itself loves to celebrate all your little wins!

Intuitive Eating

This is something we'll slide into your habits (also tracked in the app). "Intuitive Eating is a way of eating that is in sync with your body, mind, & heart." ~ Evelyn Tribole

Supporting Lifestyle Habits

Sleep, stress, mindset, emotions... you might not need a workout in your life! You might need little habits that will give you back time & energy first. We'll talk about that :)

We'll design the best habits for you

based on your needs and goals (I have a formula)

If you're sick of making goals and then feeling like a failure, I've got you covered.



30 sec & 30 min

Functional Habits

30 sec & 30 min

Food Habits

30 sec & 30 min

FUK it Habits

30 sec & 30 min

I can't guarantee you'll ever wake up a rainbow farting goddess of perfection from following your VIP habits, but you'll get a hell of a lot closer to your real life health goals.


...the easiest things you can do that will have the biggest payoffs in the shortest amount of time

As soon as you sign up, you'll get access to the Habits Made Easy mini course with a step by step guide for being able to figure out your best habits

I'm ready to be my own damn hero

You are not alone

This is the perfect add on to whatever fitness program you might already be doing or the perfect start to whatever fitness program you are currently avoiding.

Forget clicking my heels together and wishing on a star... I'm lacing up!

Organic Fitness

This is the non-diet approach to the workout world. This is feminism meets fitness. I'll help you pick the best workouts based on your female hormones. Organic Fitness reconnects you to your body and is trauma informed. 

From menstruation to menopause...

...chances are sky high that every fitness program you've ever pushed through & every diet you've ever endured was based on data from a male body. In the words of a wise woman, "F*k that shit".

"Fitness taught me how to set boundaries around my body. Fitness taught me to trust myself."

- direct quote from me (Kate)


Grab A 'FIERCE AF' Happily Even After VIP TICKET

Step One

the free consult call

A free consult call is required to ensure we are a good fit. The consult call is 30 min and totally informal. Come in your pj's if you want :) The intention: to make sure this is the right starting place for you and that I am the right guide for you.

VIP days are currently intro priced at

$1500  750CAD

 10 VIP days will be sold first come first served at this 50% off rate AND everyone from that first ten will go in a draw to get a second VIP plan for free. 

Upon approval

The VIP Lounge

As soon as you get your ticket, you'll get access to the VIP Lounge member area. There are magic-wand-like mini courses in there designed to set you up for success... Habits Made Easy, setting goals and overcoming obstacles, pre-trip assessments, & more.

Your VIP day 🎉

On your actual VIP day, we'll meet in a virtual space and get into the nitty gritty of your plan together. You are the expert of you so you will be involved in choosing what will be in this plan and what will not be. 

Most of the day will be 1:1 virtual chat, and part will require you to be available via a messaging app. VIP days are held on Tuesdays or the occasional weekend day.

The next week 

Your fitness program will be delivered on a training app where you can see exercise videos, track progress, earn milestone badges, check off your daily habits, and cheer others on in the built-in group area. 

The first week will be a prep week and then the official 3 month plan will start on a day of your choosing. 

The next 3 months 

You will have two way messaging access to me throughout the entire 3 months and one follow up coaching or personal training session.

Your extra resources will be dripped out weekly in a private member area... it's like a getting a MEMBERSHIP course that was built specifically for you.

What if I told you

you don't have to be perfect or do a single burpee to feel good?

What if I told you

there are some secrets to building new habits that will make it easier?

What if I told you

I have done the hard work of coming up with the things to focus on that will get you maximum results in minimum time

What if I told you

no more endlessly googling about the best exercise plan. Everything you need will be set out for the next 3 months 

Every Kickass Life Project journey has a FUK YES and an OMG NO section to help you reach a solid decision about whether you will walk away without regret or feel twitterpated about joining


This is the right journey for you if...

You are new to fitness or fed up with fitness as you know it

You've probably played the start stop game with your fitness lifestyle a few times and each time it gets harder to believe in yourself. Or maybe you're just sick of the nagging guilt you put on yourself for not being as fit as you SHOULD be.

You don't have time for exercise

Spoiler alert - that's ok. Part of what we'll do on your VIP day is create something manageable and sustainable for you.  This is 100% customized & tailored to your life.

You're burned out & maybe a little traumatized by life... or menopause.

My plans are trauma informed and based on research from female bodies. My personal belief is that many fitness plans don't work for women because we are trying to force our bodies to act like we don't have female hormones. This plan will be different.

You're already dreading the guilt you'll feel when you don't stick to things

This is all sounding good in theory but there is a part of your brain reminding you of all the other times you've started with good intentions ... and here we are again. If that is the case, then you are exactly in the right place. It's not just habit building skills you'll be getting, but also tools for self-compassion and unicorn conjuring.


This is not the journey for you if...

You are not ok with a bit of profanity

Frankly, if you aren't ok with it, I have no idea how you made it this far down the page. I should have turned you off in the first two seconds lol. 

You're a fan of diet culture

You might get everything you've ever hoped and dreamed from typical detoxes or calorie counting diets, and that is great...  just not how we do things around here. This is not fad dieting or drop 10 in 10. 

Your life is perfect and you don't want anything to change

Wahooo great! Keep doing what you're doing and let's have you on as a guest speaker for the podcast! :). Again, I gotta wonder what got you to this part of the page if that is the case, though. 

*PS - In the stages of change, there is a stage called pre-contemplation. This is where there are things that could, and maybe should, be improved in our lives, but we aren't willing or able to see that yet. And that's ok.  You don't have to be anywhere you aren't ready to be

You're not a tech fan

I don't expect you to be an IT whiz, but you should be comfortable accessing & navigating a member website, saving or printing google docs, potentially visiting a zoom room, etc...

your kickass life enabler

. . . 

Your 'FIERCE AF' Happily Even After VIP TICKET

$1500 750 (one time payment)

Book your free consult to confirm your spot as one of the first 10 to get this intro offer rate

Think about it...

...even if we workout 5 times a week, we still have 163 hours in the week to screw it all up! And it's what we do in those hours (consistently) that makes all the difference.

Space filler video no-one will watch

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